Sunday, October 17, 2010

more to come!!

Good morning everybody,

Sorry we are so overdue on an update, its definately harder to type with a baby in your hands!!  :)

We'll will write more this evening but we know the most important thing is for you all to see more pictures in the meantime.

Here we go with a few recent favorites.

Love to you all, B,D,Q and the Frank

look ma no hands!

Picking out pumpkins!

is the heater broken again dad?

my first headshot!

best buds already!

Friday, October 1, 2010

A message from Mom...

Hey everyone!

I'm giving Dave a break from the blog, and thought I'd write a few thoughts myself. Hope this finds you all healthy and happy and enjoying this indian summer!
What a time of change. The leaves are changing color, the tempature can't decide if it's summer or fall, the grass is growing like crazy, and everyday my son changes.
My son. What an amazing thing it is to be a mom. I listened to my own mother say that she loves me unconditionally my entire life, but it wasn't until I had Quinn, that I actually heard her. I totally get it.
Speaking of mom's...mine came up to take care of me the week following Quinn's birth, and honestly...I don't know what I would have done without her. I didn't/don't want everyone to take Quinn from my arms, that's not what's's the stuff I can't do while he is IN my arms that is helpful. That's exactly what she did. For a week straight, she brought me tea, walked our dog, filled my water glass, changed and rocked Quinn when I needed to shower, cooked all my meals, shared my laughter in the good days and held my hand as I cried on the hard ones.. Who knew that BECOMING a mom, would make you need yours more than ever? Thank you mom.. I love you and I understand you more than I ever have.
Life with Quinn is starting to feel more managable. I pride myself on being a pretty strong girl. After having a baby, I was/am as fragile as blown glass. That said, I am learning to manage it better, and I find so much more joy in the little things each day. Every day gets a little easier, and we are starting to find our groove around here. Either that, or I'm just so tired that I'm in a fog, and everything feels a little out of body.'s probably both. We spend most of our days inside, feeding and playing and sleeping. (him not me) I'm still really sore, and I've had a little trouble healing the "inside", so I'm supposed to limit my walking to 20 mins a day and no hills...well, if you know where I live, there are hills in every direction from my driveway. I cheat a little, but mostly I'll be hanging out at home for a few more weeks. My two best friends are coming tomorrow to help, and I am so excited to have them here. Again, they are the type to help with the unglamorous stuff and give me more time to bond with my baby. I love my girls, and my friends have been incredible.
Frank has been amazing. We were never worried about him, but more so..would I still be able to be a good mom to him as well... It's all working out. He has become SO watchful over Quinn. If someone takes Quinn out of the room that Frank is in, he follows. If Quinn is on a bouncy on the floor, he sits or lays next to him. It's been so endearing to watch. I'm so grateful for Frank, and I definitely have enough love for everyone. Dave takes him for walks everyday and we give him as much attention as we can.
Dave is as wonderful of a dad as I thought he would be. He loves being with Quinn. He can spend hours staring at him, and he is getting the hang of holding him. I don't think Dave had really ever held a baby till his own! He bounces him in the middle of the night, and changes him for me so I can get a few more seconds of sleep. He makes me tea and fills up my water.. He doesn't cook for me yet, but hey...nobody is perfect. =)
We had some trouble getting enough breastmilk from my breasts for Quinn. (I had a breast reduction in my early 20's) I tried really hard, and took everything the midwife's recommended, but he wasn't gaining weight the way he should've been. Therefore we had to start supplementing. It was a hard thing to hear, and hard on the ego, but whatever makes this baby thrive...I now breastfeed him everytime he is hungry (about every hour and a half) and then after he pulls away, I give him about 2 ounces of formula. He is gaining weight now, and we are all adjusting. Thank goodness he still takes me as well as the bottle. The good part about this is that Dave can be apart of the feeding and it's helping thier bond that much more. The only time I don't give him a little "extra" is at night.
Well, we going to eat dinner and start our nightly routine...bedtime for us all these days is about 8:30p. It's a different life, but the most incredible journey I've ever been on. It's far from blissful everyday, but it's raw and real and filled with such adventure and love.
Goodnight from the Hall's and enjoy the pics below!!

Till we meet again...

Frank and his Brother!!

My serious face!! Or makin a doody face..could be either. =)

So excited to help. What an amazing man I married.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

A few more pics......

Hello everyone out there.   Wanted to post a few more special pics as the days keep going and Quinn is growing and evolving by the minute.

We are so proud, (did I say that in every blog?)  :)    He is going to be one spoiled kid but in a good way with love not benjamins!

We have made most of this week all about seeing how long we can stay in the house in our little bubble.

So far we have made it out of the house two times,  once for a pediatrician appt, and second for a short walk in which turned out to be a bit much for Brooke after being in recovery mode.

I will need to get a little work done next week, so leaving these faces for the first time will be devastating.........


Wow how good is this shot!

Dad just beaming with pride!

Dad doing what he does best at 6 am......

Kicky legs with mama!   he needs some meat on those tooth pic legs

Looks like some big feet to me

Thursday, September 23, 2010


not sure how this is going to come out on the blog but here goes.

Mama and Quinn are doing great!!   

Just chillin.......

His first pair of golf shoes.........

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Quinn comes home......

First before sharing some of the most recent stories and information about Quinn, Brooke and I would like to thank everyone for all their calls, emails, and text with support!!   We have been in our own little bubble since Quinn was born, so we are sorry to not get back to you, but please know we will.  Please continue to check the blog while we learn to be parents!    :)

Hello from Quinn!!!     We brought our baby boy home from the birth center yesterday.  The car ride home was as never racking as it could possibly be.  I usually drive around town not even thinking about what I am doing, but things just change once this little perfect human comes into your life and is dependent on us!!

We are lucky to have a situation where Brooke and I can spend a lot of time with Quinn before going back to work.  It will kill me to leave every morning when I have too, but I unless Wednesday's Powerball hits, I have to.  

Its just mesmerizing to watch Quinn, I think I burned two hours straight yesterday just laying on the bed watching him.  Brooke is a fantastic mother already with great instincts, and with some great advice from midwives she has nailed breastfeeding.

I am feeling pretty confident with Quinn ,  changing, burping, and holding come pretty easy to me in my mind at least.  Others who see might not agree but I will continue to believe I am Mr. Mom.

Quinn is so aware of his surroundings already,  he has a tight grip and strong legs, and I would have to think I will be chasing him around everywhere in a year or less.  His eyes are wide open at times and actually appears to be tracking some movement at 3 days old!!   probably not realistic at this point, as I don't think he can see at all yet,  but I am happy he is so far along.

Attaching a few pictures for enjoyment,  more to come in the future.

Dave, Brooke, Frank, and fresh off the press, Quinn!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The end and the beginning

Hi everyone,

not feeling too awake at 3:30 am right now but had to update you with this.

Quinn is here!!!! Mama is doing incredible and we were so happy to welcome Quinn into the world.

He is happy, healthy, and one big boy!

8lbs, 15 ounces. 21 inches long.

More to come when I can keep my eyes open!!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

An afternoon of waiting

Hey Y'all,

So not a ton to report since the last blog from Brooke this morning,  but I thought I give you a little information from a different perspective,  as expecting mothers don't always hear so well  :)

As Brooke mentioned we are SO excited to meet this little guy, but our thoughts are really with his safety at this point because we never expected the tests yesterday to show anything but positive news.  It's a little scary not to know exactly whats going on in there and the tests are pretty vague, but we are thinking positively and have every reason to believe that it's just simply time to come out and not push our luck.

We met with our midwife this morning at the birthing center around 9 am.  She wanted to talk to us and explain in person about the tests and the next step.   Had the tests been normal, we would have been able to wait this thing out longer naturally, but we don't want to take any chances with him and "its time to get things moving" as she said for his safety short and long term.

What this means is the beautiful consumption of Mr. Castor Oil.   Brooke just took shot 3 of 3  of the recommended 2 oz shots of the dreaded Castor Oil.  Each shot is two hours apart for a 6 oz total over 6 hours.  As this marinates in her belly, all hell should break loose and get this baby out before the Giants/Colts game on Sunday.

Apparently its awful, and for those of you that know me, I like to try anything, so yes I did try it (big surprise) and its NOT good.  Great for belly rubs, not to drink.  This treatment should, 80-90% of the time get "things"
moving outbound (including baby) rather quickly.  Enough on that. 

We appreciate all the love and support we have received and Quinn can't wait to meet you!

I will continue to update as things move forward.

With love,   Dave, Brooke, and Q

It's about that time...

Good morning friends and family!

As you all know yesterday we went in for a biophysical profile on Quinn to see how he's doing just hanging out in here....Well, the answer wasn't what we hoped for. He is pretty smashed in there, and he scored an 4 out of 8 on their scoring system. It's a little confusing, cause it seems like a lot of it is subjective and timing...but bottom line, it's time for him to come out. My amniotic fluid is lower than they'd like to see, plus it's murky. This means it could be that he's been in there too long, and his skin is getting wrinkly and shedding, or it could mean that he is going to the bathroom in there, and it's not flushing out enough.
The test showed that he wasn't moving enough...although after a bowl of cheerios this morning, I beg to differ. He may have been sleeping when they did the test, but still, I had a huge fresh squeezed O.J before going in, and that should have perked him up more...and it didn't. His heart rate is lower than they like to see, but again..he's had a lower heartbeat all along, and it could be cause he was sleeping. Oh yes, and my favorite? My placenta is "mature". I love that..they can say's cooked! I'm old. I get it. =)  SO - you can see how frusterating this report is, because it could be different if we did it today.
All this to say, this morning we are going into the birthing center for a few more tests, and this afternoon, I will be taking castor oil to jump start my labor. It's supposed to be pretty hard on my body, and cause labor to be fast and intense. It causes diarreha and vomiting for about 6 hours, and then labor is in full force.  I am so scared, (for lots of reasons) but at this point, I will handle anything, as long as it keeps Quinn safe and gets him out of me and into our arms.
So, I say see you later to Frank (he's going to go to daycare/boarding) this afternoon for a few days, and I will be at home most of the day...then most likely check into the birthing center tonight (depending on how fast the labor goes) to have this baby. Dave is scared too, but I couldn't ask for a better husband. He's so supportive and excited to be a dad, it's infectious. I'm a lucky girl to have such amazing people in my life.
Hopefully, the next update will be from Dave...introducing the newest family member!!
And two becomes three....

Love, Brooke

Thursday, September 16, 2010

From the professional....

Good Morning everyone!

I am writing to you from bed, on the 7th day past Quinn's due date! The crazy thing is, the longer this little guy stays in here, I am becoming more at peace with it! Strange, but true! Don't get me wrong, I am still SO ready to have this big guy, but I'm getting used to him being late...It's a little comical to be honest.
Yesterday Dave and I went to our 1 week post natal appointment. Quinn is healthy and happy and kicking up a storm everytime we disturb him. All good signs...his heart rate is good, mine is a little lower than normal, but nothing to be concerned about. However, because I am not dialated, and only about 50% effaced, Quinn is showing no signs of wanting to change his environment! He likes it in there, and by god, if we want him to move out, we are going to have to MAKE HIM! ( I hope this isn't a glimpse into the future about the time he's supposed to move out of the house!)
The next step happens tomorrow afternoon...this means that we are scheduled for an ultrasound called a biophysical profile, and something else...can't remember the term. Basically it means that they will check Quinn's ability to breathe (well, his abilitly to PRACTICE breathing), my volume of amniotic fluid, his position, heart rate, and whether or not his arms and legs are tucked up like they should be or limp...After we find out all this, and he is hearty and healthy, we will most likely start some natural induction techniques...meaning CASTOR OIL!! yuck. We want to try everything we can to avoid going to the hospital to get induced by pitocin or other methods. We have worked so hard to have this baby naturally, that we would hate to have to change that now. So as gross as it is, we...uh, I will drink that Castor Oil and take on all the intestinal discomfort that may long as it means at the end of everything we have a beautiful baby boy.
I will keep you all posted after tomorrow's ultrasound, and if or when we have to take the Castor Oil, supposedly things happen pretty quickly, so we'll tell you when we do. Now the best case scenario...Quinn decides he's gonna come out on his own! So keep your fingers crossed for that!
We love you all, and thanks so much for checking our blog and keeping up with us on this journey.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Still waiting..............

Hi everyone,

Well as happy as Brooke and I are to make the most of  the last days of non parenthood,  we are too excited and anxious for baby Quinn to be here to think about anything but him all day long.  To give you an idea,  I have not hit golf balls or played a round in almost a week!! (hasn't happened since age 10)    Brooke is seriously ready for Quinn to deliver, as she has a lot of trouble finding a comfortable position during the night. 

Quinn has decided to take control of his own delivery schedule, now three days past his due date.        

We are really looking forward to sharing this experience and I will do my best to keep this blog updated with comments and pictures when there is more to share.  We appreciate all the support and wishes received already.


Friday, September 10, 2010

Something Big is Happening....but not yet....=)

Good Morning everyone!!

Well, it is one day past Quinn's due date! We have gotten lots of phone calls and texts wondering what's up, so we thought we better update!! We are just as anxious as you all are! Unfortunately, the way we are having this baby is right back to the roots. Which means at each appointment, our midwife checks Quinn's heartbeat, and position, and measures my stomach. She does NOT check to see if I'm dialated and/or effaced. The purpose of this is because she could tell me that I'm 2 cm dialated, but I could stay that way for a month! (well, not now) It doesn't do anything except make me more anxious about WHEN WHEN?? Now, Katherine (my midwife) would totally do it, anytime I asked, but both Dave and I figure..hey, it'll happen when he's ready. If nothing else, this whole pregnancy has taught me, you have to let your children show you who THEY are, not who I think they SHOULD be! What an important lesson for someone who has only had to worry about herself for so long! Quinn is telling me he is not ready, and I am listening...hard as it may be.
The birth center will allow us to go 2 weeks past my due date, before I have to sign a waiver of some sort. I haven't explored that option yet, because we have some time before that. I have learned that most 1st babies are on average 5-8 days late. So, we may have to be patient a little longer. A couple of weeks ago, our second midwife Jessica predicted that if I carried Quinn to term, he would be about 8 1/2 to 9 lbs! WHOA. I hope she is wrong, but it will be interesting to find out! This upcoming wednesday I have my "week late" appointment and at that point they schedule some tests and an ultrasound to make sure Quinn is still happy and healthy. (ie. breathing properly, enough amniotic fluid, his position in my belly, etc..) We will keep you updated! Until then, we have tried to fill our schedule this weekend, so it's not so hard to wait. We are going to a football game tonight, then a birthday party for a friend tomorrow, and brunch with some more friends on Sunday! I figure the more plans I make, the faster he will come! Wishful thinking???
Thank you to everyone for all your thoughts and prayers...Quinn is such a lucky boy to have so many wonderful people in his life. I know WE are so grateful, and blessed.
Till the next update! Have a fantastic weekend!!

Brooke and Dave

Friday, September 3, 2010

Wishful Thinking

Hey everyone!!

I'm smiling for two reasons as I write this....first, because I got an email from my mom today telling me to UPDATE THE BLOG!! She said to write "what I'm thinking" and "feeling" if there isn't any news on contractions! I can hear your voice as I write this mom...

The second reason I am smiling...giggling out loud really, is that Dave and I just got finished with our Fantasy Football Draft for this upcoming season. We decided to play in a team just the two of us against each others teams. The giggling comes from the fact that we are trying so hard to believe that we will even have TIME to watch and follow fantasy football, OR will we want to?! I think we are hoping that Quinn is a good sleeper and that Sunday's can still be "our" day, where we don't get out of our pj's, and order a pizza in front of the t.v.. The sound of the opening NFL games, is something we've always gotten excited about together, and whether we can pull it off or not....well, here's to being part naive and part hopeful. =)

There is no news to report as for as "Quinn watch" He is a happy camper in my belly! He is a LOT less active than he used to be, but that's cause there is no room for him to play! We go to bed each night saying "maybe tonight!" and wake up each morning saying "darn it". (for those of your serious ones out there...relax, we know that he's best to stay in till his due date...we are just being honest about how we feel) He is due in 6 days, and it as scared and unaware of how our lives will change as we are, we are just that much excited. Dave and I lay in bed in the mornings staring at each other, and we talk about who's eyes he will have, or will he have hair or not...There is so much I know about this little guy inside me, and yet so much is a mystery. I've always been a girl who likes excitement and this has been fun!

Most of my days are spent getting things done in the morning, like walking the dog, cleaning the house (i swear it's a vicious it EVER actually done?) laundry, emails, etc... then afternoon, I'm usually down for the count. I am catching up on a lot of Tivo and Movies. I'm running out of books, and I could scream if I read one more baby book. I get excited to see Dave everyday when he comes home, and I can't wait to give him that "go time" announcement! I feel like I'm carrying a bowling ball between my legs, or like I rode a bike for 20 miles with a cement seat. Mostly I dread the nights, because sleeping is non existent. My sides and shoulders are killing me, I can't sleep on my back, and my back gets pretty bad spasms. I usually have to get up about every hour and a half to either stretch or pee! THAT SAID, besides this home stretch, I've had a lovely pregnancy, and knowing that we get to meet our son in less than 2 weeks MAX...It brings tears to my eyes.

Oh, one more thing...I've been practicing lullaby's. I bought a CD of them, because I didn't know ONE! Dave caught me singing the theme song to "Cheers" and "Golden Girls" to Quinn, and suggested I work on something else. So "somewhere over the rainbow" LOOK OUT! I'm coming after ya.

Love to you all...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The days ahead

Hello all,

Just a quick note from the father to be.   Sitting here thinking as I watch a boring pre season NFL game how drastically life will change in the next few weeks or possibly days? 

Its a wonderful time for sure, but uncertain as well with a first child and so many questions to answer for the first time.   I know if anyone can do it, Brooke and I can, so its really not a worry in my mind but more a rush of nerves flowing through till the big day!!

We just can't wait to meet this little athlete/chef!!   The baby room is all set, the car seats are secured and we are packed in full..........

Keep checking back, as the moment I know we are in the "GO" zone, I will be wearing this blog out!!


Saturday, August 21, 2010

You heard it here first!!

Hello Friends and Family!! Thanks for following our blog! This is new for us, but we were so inspired by our friends Jamie and Ryan when they did one, we had to do the same! We will keep you updated with the birth.. before and after! Check back for pics and updates whenever you want, and we'll try to be good about posting them regularly! We THINK that if you become a fan/follower of the blog, you will be notified of any updates when we post them!
Not much happening these days. I'm 38 weeks along as of Wednesday! At our last appointment, our midwife said that our little Quinn is not so little! Her best guess is that he is about 6 1/2 lbs and if I carry him to full term, he'll be about 8-9lbs! Whoa! He has dropped and is engaged in the birthing position, so things look great, and it could be anytime now!
For those of you who don't know... Dave and I have chosen to bring Quinn into this world via a waterbirth. We will be at a birthing center downtown Portland, where we will have a beautiful room, and a ginormous watertub to have the baby in. We have had an uphill battle in this, just trying to keep people from freaking out. However, we are over it, freak out if you must, but we are so excited to bring him into this world in such a loving place. I will not have any pain medication, so keep your fingers crossed for me!!
The house is ready, we are ready (as we'll ever be) the car seat is in, and the only thing left is to pack our bags! Now, it's a waiting game! We can't wait to meet this little guy who has captured our hearts already!
Thanks for all your questions and concerns, and I promise, we will blog it up and send some pics as soon as we have more news!!
We love you all!

Dave and Brooke.