Good morning friends and family!
As you all know yesterday we went in for a biophysical profile on Quinn to see how he's doing just hanging out in here....Well, the answer wasn't what we hoped for. He is pretty smashed in there, and he scored an 4 out of 8 on their scoring system. It's a little confusing, cause it seems like a lot of it is subjective and timing...but bottom line, it's time for him to come out. My amniotic fluid is lower than they'd like to see, plus it's murky. This means it could be that he's been in there too long, and his skin is getting wrinkly and shedding, or it could mean that he is going to the bathroom in there, and it's not flushing out enough.
The test showed that he wasn't moving enough...although after a bowl of cheerios this morning, I beg to differ. He may have been sleeping when they did the test, but still, I had a huge fresh squeezed O.J before going in, and that should have perked him up more...and it didn't. His heart rate is lower than they like to see, but again..he's had a lower heartbeat all along, and it could be cause he was sleeping. Oh yes, and my favorite? My placenta is "mature". I love that..they can say's cooked! I'm old. I get it. =) SO - you can see how frusterating this report is, because it could be different if we did it today.
All this to say, this morning we are going into the birthing center for a few more tests, and this afternoon, I will be taking castor oil to jump start my labor. It's supposed to be pretty hard on my body, and cause labor to be fast and intense. It causes diarreha and vomiting for about 6 hours, and then labor is in full force. I am so scared, (for lots of reasons) but at this point, I will handle anything, as long as it keeps Quinn safe and gets him out of me and into our arms.
So, I say see you later to Frank (he's going to go to daycare/boarding) this afternoon for a few days, and I will be at home most of the day...then most likely check into the birthing center tonight (depending on how fast the labor goes) to have this baby. Dave is scared too, but I couldn't ask for a better husband. He's so supportive and excited to be a dad, it's infectious. I'm a lucky girl to have such amazing people in my life.
Hopefully, the next update will be from Dave...introducing the newest family member!!
And two becomes three....
Love, Brooke
Never know who is logged in around here. ;)
ReplyDeleteMeant to say you are in our thoughts and prayers today, all 3 of you. Hang in there!