Thursday, September 16, 2010

From the professional....

Good Morning everyone!

I am writing to you from bed, on the 7th day past Quinn's due date! The crazy thing is, the longer this little guy stays in here, I am becoming more at peace with it! Strange, but true! Don't get me wrong, I am still SO ready to have this big guy, but I'm getting used to him being late...It's a little comical to be honest.
Yesterday Dave and I went to our 1 week post natal appointment. Quinn is healthy and happy and kicking up a storm everytime we disturb him. All good signs...his heart rate is good, mine is a little lower than normal, but nothing to be concerned about. However, because I am not dialated, and only about 50% effaced, Quinn is showing no signs of wanting to change his environment! He likes it in there, and by god, if we want him to move out, we are going to have to MAKE HIM! ( I hope this isn't a glimpse into the future about the time he's supposed to move out of the house!)
The next step happens tomorrow afternoon...this means that we are scheduled for an ultrasound called a biophysical profile, and something else...can't remember the term. Basically it means that they will check Quinn's ability to breathe (well, his abilitly to PRACTICE breathing), my volume of amniotic fluid, his position, heart rate, and whether or not his arms and legs are tucked up like they should be or limp...After we find out all this, and he is hearty and healthy, we will most likely start some natural induction techniques...meaning CASTOR OIL!! yuck. We want to try everything we can to avoid going to the hospital to get induced by pitocin or other methods. We have worked so hard to have this baby naturally, that we would hate to have to change that now. So as gross as it is, we...uh, I will drink that Castor Oil and take on all the intestinal discomfort that may long as it means at the end of everything we have a beautiful baby boy.
I will keep you all posted after tomorrow's ultrasound, and if or when we have to take the Castor Oil, supposedly things happen pretty quickly, so we'll tell you when we do. Now the best case scenario...Quinn decides he's gonna come out on his own! So keep your fingers crossed for that!
We love you all, and thanks so much for checking our blog and keeping up with us on this journey.


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