Hi everyone,
Well as happy as Brooke and I are to make the most of the last days of non parenthood, we are too excited and anxious for baby Quinn to be here to think about anything but him all day long. To give you an idea, I have not hit golf balls or played a round in almost a week!! (hasn't happened since age 10) Brooke is seriously ready for Quinn to deliver, as she has a lot of trouble finding a comfortable position during the night.
Quinn has decided to take control of his own delivery schedule, now three days past his due date.
We are really looking forward to sharing this experience and I will do my best to keep this blog updated with comments and pictures when there is more to share. We appreciate all the support and wishes received already.
what if we fashion some sort of life jacket that goes under her arms and the we just set her afloat? that way she can sleep and be weightless with zero uncomfortablilty. which isn't a word but meh. who cares.